Monday, January 25, 2010

We inturpt this program for a little....Play time

Yup, still here.

The craziness of Christmas, Birthday parties, New Years, Play Dates & Back to School really caught up with the Grilliots. After finding homes for all the boys new toys on their shelves and overstuffed closets; getting back into the routine of school our schedule never quite went back to the way it was.

All my boys seems to be demanding more attention from me, which is perfectly ok. So instead of spreading myself thin among everything in life, I am trying my hardest to devote quality time to each one of them. Which means, the phone will not get answered, dishes sit a little longer in the sink, e-mail's not returned on time and my camera sits waiting patiently for me in my camera bag.

Just a little much needed "play time", and because it is never fun to post with out a picture.....


Laura January 25, 2010 at 4:29 PM  

Sounds like you have your priorities straight!

Unknown January 25, 2010 at 5:52 PM  

who's winning. Monkey hand not to promising. Glad to hear you are still out there. Dishes can always wait, boys can't

Squiggle Wiggle & Maggers Moo January 25, 2010 at 9:26 PM  

Missed seeing your post, but glad to see your kids haven't tied you up and thrown you in the closet!!! LOL!! Hehe!

About This Blog

We created this blog to keep in touch with our family and friends who live near and far so they can share in the craziness of our little family, raising five year old twins and our latest addition Jonah!

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