Monday, November 3, 2008


It was a great Halloween - 1st time in the new neighborhood and we weren't sure what to expect. The old neighborhood was pretty dead (wuh huh huh! <- Dracula laugh) the first year, but it picked up every year.

Firemen ready for patrol with the neighbor's "fire dog" Missy

Casa Grilliot pre-dark: looked much more impressive post-dark. We counted based on glow-sticks distributed 90 patrons, this is about as accurate as a presidential poll but it was a good turnout regardless.

This years jack-o-lantern's. It was generally a pirate theme this year (even pirates need fires put out from time to time)
Oh-Dark:30 - time to collect bribes of candy for passing fire inspection. Note the pirates in the jeep for a continuation of the pirate theme.

Our escort Hot Dog Pia - lives in the same house as Fire Dog Missy. Was really a trooper, kept the meat in the bun the whole trip.

The candy haul still stands at approx. 4 lbs nearly 72 hours after collection.

VOTE TOMORROW (if you haven't already)!!!!


Laura November 3, 2008 at 7:19 PM  

Adorable costumes. The borrowed dog really adds a nice touch!

joym November 5, 2008 at 5:22 PM  

the boys are so cute in those costumes...sounds like you all had a great holloween.

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We created this blog to keep in touch with our family and friends who live near and far so they can share in the craziness of our little family, raising five year old twins and our latest addition Jonah!

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